Something interesting that I have found is the attention to detail concerning safety and emergency practices for young children. The Bayou County Children’s Museum has an exhibit that directly focuses on the education of safety practice through narrative and storytelling for children between the ages of 2-5. They have weather safety that shows children the kind of kit and accessories needed for storms and other weather-related emergencies. They also teach children how to deal with a fire in an emergency, beyond the stop, drop and roll – they are taught how to plan to exit a smoke-filled room, particularity while they’re sleeping. They also go over dog bite prevention and the steps needed to be taken when being approached by an animal. Additionally, children go over firework safety where they learn how to use sparklers and lighters responsibly and what they should do if their clothes were to every get caught on fire. These are all extensive safety practices that are being taught to very young children. It is often assumed that children that young are incapable of understanding challenging emergency situations or that children will always have an adult around in the case that it might occur. It is enlightening to see that parents and adults are giving their children lifesaving skills and knowledge, despite the challenge of maturity and comprehension. It's better to learn emergency procedures and never use them, than to be in an emergency and not know the procedures!
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